Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Don't Talk To Strangers

Fantasy love is better than reality love. - Andy Warhol

Warning: Bitter Sarcasm Alert.

From flickr via weheartit

Don't talk to strangers. Resist the urge to even throw a glance at them, at him. I know he's cute and hot and promising, but believe me, don't ever talk to him. Remember what your mom always tells you when you were just a kid "Don't talk to strangers, my dear."

You might meet each other at the most enchanting and romantic instances, but don't let the moment fool you. Maybe you bumped into him at a train station; or he might be the one who accidentally spilled coffee on your favorite blouse in Starbucks; or the one who took the last stock of book you've been eyeing for weeks in that bookshop; or he's that guy that helped you with your spilled errands; or (insert any clichéd first meeting scenarios here). He might be your fantasy come true.

But let me pop that dreamy bubble out of your head.

Don't talk to strangers, for everything starts when you talk to them. When I said everything, I didn't just mean the love story that might eventually blossom between the two of you, or whatever connection you two might make out of it. I also mean the conclusion, the ending.

For when you talk to strangers, you open yourself to a lot of possibilities. You are initially giving them free entrance to your life. And what would happen if they manage to enter? They would make a mark, a space, a hole. You will find out his magnificent qualities by engaging in a conversation with him or you will be fooled by his show-off. You might instantly like him and make you say "Oh, this guy is something." You'll feel that something unimaginable ignited your every nerve endings and fueled your fantasy. It's as if the heavens conspired and the Earth stopped rotating on its axis and your heart skipped ten beats. Don't. Let. It. Fool. You.

Don't fucking talk to him for us, humans (girls), are insatiable. You'll crave for more. Girl, I know the ways of your mind. I know because that's how my mind works too. I know how just one simple sentence and eye-to-eye contact can make you think about the future; dates, the relationship, wedding, kids, grandchildren. Yes, daydreaming overload. We often get much ahead of ourselves and can be mislead by a thought in just a snap of a finger. Before you know it, you've completely immersed your body and soul into him. It's like you ushered yourself to be trapped in an impasse without an exit strategy.

Maybe you won't see him again; maybe you will at another unforgiving instance. Maybe you'll hit it off; maybe you'll not. Maybe you'll think of him in the next 365 nights and make you wish at every 11:11 AM/PM the clock could ever offer. Maybe.

But why do we need to make our lives more complicated? All because of talking to a God-forsaken stranger?  Everything is peaceful in your life before; don't create reasons to make it miserable. Don't be so overwhelmed with enchantment. Lessen the time you watch chick flicks so you don't get affected by it.

Yes, it is all probably as good as it ever gonna get.

Yes, the moment starts as fast as it ends.

But you are stubborn. You'll talk to him. You'll talk to a stranger. You’ll give yourself the luxury to consider it as a prelude to some sparkling chapter; expecting it will continue to blossom with fruitful promises.

But, dear, fall seems to come soon. The leaves wither and the wind blows to tear it off the branch. 

And as the leaf eagerly touches the ground you'll realize, he was just another anecdote in your so called life. 


This piece of writing was inspired by Charles Warnke's You Should Date An Illiterate Girl